Parson School of Design

PGHT 5778

Spring 2024

4:00-5:50pm, Wednesday

Dr. Jonathan Michael Square (squaj264@newschool.edu)


Course Description

"Take Back the Museum" examines exhibitions that highlight the work of artists and designers who have been historically silenced or omitted from dominant narratives. The course will be structured around the analysis of examples of pioneering exhibitions mounted in the past decade or to be mounted in the near future. Case studies will include Anne Lowe: American Couturier, (Re)Dressing American Fashion, Posing Modernity: The Black Model from Manet and Matisse to Today, Implicit Tensions: Mapplethorpe Now, among others. Through these case studies, the course will explore how these curatorial projects have countered institutional erasures. Geared towards students invested in the intersection of museum studies and curatorial justice, the course examines how exhibitions are critical to address issues of visibility and invisibility. The course will also directly engage with practitioners via guest speakers and virtual site visits throughout the semester.

Course Objectives/Learning Goals

By the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Students will learn about the radical potential of the field of curation to affect change.

  2. This course has a heavy emphasis on praxis with students being asked to both engage with actual curators and virtual site visits.

  3. Students will also be asked to mount their own virtual exhibitions inspired by the course topic or their own curatorial interests. 

Assignments and Grading

Students will be asked to write a review of an exhibition that is relevant to the course topic, but not included on the syllabus. The course will also culminate in a proposed exhibition that will have both a written and oral component. Students will be required to curate an virtual exhibition that will include digital images, “wall text,” programming, and a long curatorial statement. They will also be asked to present this exhibition to the class on the last day of the course.

grade breakdown

Class presentation (on the last day of class) 10%

Attendance & participation 10%

Exhibition review 30%

Exhibition proposal 50%


Parson School of Design

PGHT 5778

Spring 2024

4:00-5:50pm, Wednesday

Dr. Jonathan Michael Square (squaj264@newschool.edu)


Course Description

"Take Back the Museum" examines exhibitions that highlight the work of artists and designers who have been historically silenced or omitted from dominant narratives. The course will be structured around the analysis of examples of pioneering exhibitions mounted in the past decade or to be mounted in the near future. Case studies will include Anne Lowe: American Couturier, Willi Smith: Street Couture, Posing Modernity: The Black Model from Manet and Matisse to Today, Implicit Tensions: Mapplethorpe Now, among others. Through these case studies, the course will explore how these curatorial projects have countered institutional erasures. Geared towards students invested in the intersection of museum studies and curatorial justice, the course examines how exhibitions are critical to address issues of visibility and invisibility. The course will also directly engage with practitioners via guest speakers and virtual site visits throughout the semester.

Course Objectives/Learning Goals

By the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Students will learn about the radical potential of the field of curation to affect change.

  2. This course has a heavy emphasis on praxis with students being asked to both engage with actual curators and virtual site visits.

  3. Students will also be asked to mount their own virtual exhibitions inspired by the course topic or their own curatorial interests. 

Assignments and Grading

Students will be asked to write a review of an exhibition that is relevant to the course topic, but not included on the syllabus. The course will also culminate in a proposed exhibition that will have both a written and oral component. Students will be required to curate an virtual exhibition that will include digital images, “wall text,” programming, and a long curatorial statement. They will also be asked to present this exhibition to the class on the last day of the course.

grade breakdown

Class presentation (on the last day of class) 10%

Attendance & participation 10%

Exhibition review 30%

Exhibition proposal 50%

Course Schedule


Harvard in the Hands of Slavery

February 14
POSing Modernity

February 21
Black Fashion Exhibitions

February 28
(Re)dressing American Fashion

march 6
THE belly of the beast

march 20
STATEN ISLAND MODE Black Masculinity in Contemporary American Art

march 27

defacement: A case study in the politics of inclusion in museum spaces

April 10
fugitive Collections

April 17
Afric-American Picture gallery

black masculinity

how to curate trauma

May 8

In-class 10-minute presentations of the research for final papers

Exhibition proposal due at midnight